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About arj

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  1. Hi all I'm a newbie here. Can someone please advise on a problem that has defeated my local garage for about 2 weeks now. The car which my wife now uses all the time suddenly cut out at a set of lights after it had been running for about 1/2 an hour on a very hot day. When I went to the rescue I magaged to start it briefly but the engine soon stopped again and wouldn't rev, even under no load. My local garage who gave serviced the car for the last 10 years recovered it. The time this occured coincided with it's annual MOT and service so I said fine sort the fault out and do the rest at the same time. Two weeks later and they can't diagnose the fault and the car has only cut out once (whilst running at the MOT station for the emissions test). They have been running around in it locally and even left it running for an hour but to no avail. The car has been fitted with a new ignition switch a couple of years ago and a new fuel pump about a year ago. Here's hoping someone can help as she loves the car and despite it getting a little tatty round the edges she loves the car and doesn't want to part with it. Regards Andrew
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