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About griff500

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  • Birthday 05/25/1971


  • Location
    Sunny Narberth, Pembs
  1. Hi all, Jumped into the Storm two days ago and started no problem. Idle speed was very high(ish) 2-3K and stayed there until warmed up(after a run). Jumped into the Storm earlier today for the school run and started no problem but, idle revs were very eratic, constantly revving between 1K and 1.5K. Press the throttle to give approx 2K and the revs hold there no problem, no hunting at all. Take foot off though and hunting begins again. All seems OK when warmed up though......Any ideas please? Maybe has nothing to do with it but sometimes stalls coming to a rest at junctions and the like, not sure if this is linked at all to the above? By the way, I have Griffith 500 which also suffers from high idle speed cold or hot(stays at around 2K even when changing gear) if left to idle eventually :sleeping: comes back down to normal, thrttle cable etc all fine, again any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  2. I'll be popping her on the ramp to looksee as soon as the weather breaks. Thanks.
  3. It's a '95 Storm, 118K. Was the fuse blowing with you guys when you had this problem? I can interrogate the ECU with VAG-COM fairly easily locally but what is likely to be the fault?. Thanks
  4. Guys and Gals, My VR started but cut out after a second or two aswell as the sunroof and spoiler being non-functional. Turned out to be the fuse which I promptly replaced. All's good in the world!!!! Then it blew again after a week or so. Then again, etcetc. Any idea why this could be happening. Thought it could be the 'roof or spoiler motor but the fuse seems to blow when these are closed/retracted, could it be blowing on start-up?? Thanks for your time.
  5. Hello, Having recently bought a Storm, I'm thinking of having all the bushes replaced and looking to have the suspension correctly aligned/checked(if it isn't already). While happy with the handling etc, there appears to be a slight/lightish knocking during HARD cornering from the rear(I think). By the way, the car runs on newish FK coilovers which look to have new top mounts(car NOT too low over standard). 'Was wondering if there is anyone close(ish) to me(Pembrokeshire) that knows what they're doing with a Corrado. If I have to I'll travel, well, not a problem for the right service. Thankyou for your time.
  6. Hi, Have recently(yesterday) bought a Storm with FK coilovers which seem to be set a little on the low side. Would any one happen to know what the front and rear standard/factory ride height settings should be please? Also, if anyone has any recommendations re:height then great. No track-days intended. By the way, the last time I drove one of these was when they first came out, and up until yesterday I hadn't driven one since. Now I own one! :twisted: Great machine and a credit to its former parents!! Thanks for your time.
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