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G60 Dreams

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About G60 Dreams

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  • Birthday 10/31/1977


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  1. I agree if its been looked after then it doesn't matter. G60 168K still pulling well! If its going to go surely it would have gone by now?
  2. To say I am an Amateur will properly insult a lot amateurs, but I do need some help. I have had my early 91 G60 for 12 months and I have finally found the time to fix those little issues that we all have. The thread on the Alternator and engine bracket have been knackered by previous owner, I have sourced replacement parts and have gone about fitting them. (not such a little issue as I am fast finding out!). During this process I had to remove the Cam belt to get at the bolts. This is the bad bit while I was putting the belt back on the timing drives slipped. I am now trying to re-align all the timing. There is a lower protective plate that I need to get off to reveal the timing drive for the Distributor. There is a pulley that is holding the plate on, it has 4 small bolts and one big centre bolt. I can not get it off, tried everything!!! Questions is… how do I get this pulley/plate off? Should I take it off? or do I need to align the distributor drive any way? Sorry if this really stupid, but hope someone can help.
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