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About BenBenBen

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  • Birthday 10/11/1978
  1. I've a 16v 1.8 corrado and am having trouble starting it. I have checked the ingectors and they're fine, the spark plug sparks and the fuel pump works. When I have the rubber off the top of the vacum pump and open it by hand as if there's a vacum but don't think its letting any fuel throughb when the rubber is back together and all the hoses are connected. I even drained the tank as I thought the fuel may be contaminated or gone off as its been sitting for a long time. Put fresh fuel in and still no go. Any idea's, new vacum pump? :(
  2. Cheers guys. I'll give that a go as soon as I get back form work this weekend! Also anyone got any idea how mucha really good condition but v high mileage (180k) 1990 Corrado is worth? Muchious Gracias
  3. Cheers man. I took an injector pipe off the (i presume its an injector pump) above the air filter and cranked the ignition but I though osme fuel would squirt out. It didn't. Could this be a knackered injector pump or am i just being an uneducated fool?
  4. Hi, Just bought a corrado and having trouble startiny it. Had the plugs out and they all spark as do all the leads. The right hand cylinder seems to have really oily stuff all over it though and if i clean it off n put it back, turn it over and take it out again its covered again. The engine had too much oil in it and I have drained the excess but as I've not encountered this problem before I'm not sure what could be causing it. Any ideas? :cry:
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