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About thinksmart

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    Pontypridd, South Wales
  1. Thanks Chuck for the info (do I sound like Cilla here????) Wish I'd found this site before (thanks to Edwina for her lateral thinking), it would have saved a lot of messing... Again all replies gratefully received........
  2. Thanks Joe M, I'll add this to the list of possible solutions. The only thing I've got to decide now is the order in which to try things out (simplest/cheapest first I think)
  3. Thanks for all of your interest and all of your replies. Chuck's ideas, I think, will be very interesting, as I do have a serious whine from the fuel pump at the same time as the engine/oil temp rises in traffic. The MFA zeros on both sttings so it's probably to do with connections as suggested. As a general reply, the engine (or whatever is the real problem - fuel etc) needs to cool down before it will restart. It doesn't need to be bump started. All ideas will be followed up (my brother-in-law - very experienced with performance cars and VWs - maintains my car, but he's in South Yorkshire, so all of these ideas will be passed on as soon as I get the C to him). Thanks again.
  4. Yes its the oil temp that I mean when saying "engine temp" Those who look at this please read earlier questions and answers, so as not to repaet ourselves. Its the oil/engine temp that indicates the problem is about to happen and the engine to close down. The water side is fine, but the rad has been off and cleaned and fans seem OK I'm no mechanic or technician, so I don't mind any suggestions (the technical bits will go over my head - anyway, what does MFA stand for?) Again all replies gratefully received
  5. Thanks RAMS for quick replies. However, its not the water temp that rises and therefore no bleeps heard. The water gauge seems to be constant and OK??????????? Its the engine temp on the computer display that rises to 112+ etc.
  6. Have already gone thro' most simple and obvious. Have had the radiator off and cleaned and all fans seem to be working. There is no loss of water or coolant. Have just had engine temp sensors changed so this may provide cure (will try out this weekend). I have also a problem with the computer and its display (and this may be connected?). It periodically returns to zero (is there a simple say, battery, answer to this?). I'm no technical person, so please excuse next question! Is there a fail-safe device which cuts in when the engine (not water) gets too hot? Again, any advice gratefully received.....
  7. I have a 16v 1.8 1992 Jreg with almost 200,000 miles on the clock (110,000 by me, as second owner). It's fine on motorways (engine temp is 104-108), but as soon as in traffic, engine cuts out once engine temp reaches 112+. Local garages unable to replicate problem (let alone suggest a solution) while standing idle...All suggestions, and advice, gratefully received
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