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About ALFA0101

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    columbia, sc
  1. thanks for the replies. that's all the info i have as of now joe, because im just forwarding what i heard. ill get some more info as soon as i can though. i'll ask the dude about the hall sender plug in the morning. ive already talked to a few people at the dealership who havnt had a chance to look at the car yet, and they're all saying its probably something really simple. so im pretty sure that this may be on the checklist. thanks for your time, if anyone has any other suggestions.. please feel free to reply!
  2. hey, i've never thought about using these corrado forums, but i've been having car problems and thought this might be a good way to get some quick help :lol: my transmission went bad, so i had it dropped and replaced with a new transmission. apparently, the corrado will turn over when cranked, but won't start all the way. does anyone have an idea what the problem might be? thanks.
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