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About mirceglavni

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  1. "The earth for the instruments is on the cylinder head as a white/brown so make sure this is clean and tight." Pardon me, I am a complete noob regarding auto-mechanics - white/brown: you mean a cable with this color? Is the cylinder-head where the motor-block is? Excuse my ignorance, but english is not my native tongue. Anyway, THX for your help!
  2. Hi to everyone! I am getting desperate with my Corrado (G60, 19990). Reason: When I turn on my lights (!), the temperature (water temperature) starts to rise and the red light starts to flash. Normal temperature while in city (with lights turned off) is 90C, everything cool. As soon as I turn on the lights (maybe after 2-3 minutes) temperature starts to rise (comes very near to 100, but does not get above) and the red light begins to flash. Oil temperature is not critical (according to other forum posts here - below 100C), coolant level in the bottle is normal. Thermostat has been replaced, is working OK. As for the fan: Because I have air-condition, the fan is on always on, so it should (?) cool the engine down, right? Was at the VW authorized mechanics here, the couldn't figure out why it happens (when lights on etc.) I think VW have should called this car Mystery Defect instead of Corrado :( But what should I do, I like it nevertheless. So, any help would be appreciated.
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