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About cbrand30

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  1. cbrand30

    Help needed!

    No, I think once its up and running the engine itself sounds ok( no bangs or knocks etc its just that its a fight to keep it tickng over and because its had quite a bit of work done to it and they still havent found the problem I guess im thinking its not going goint to be that straight forward. I will get the battery sorted and have a look at the injectors its a nice car and its a seems a shame to not try to get it sorted really.
  2. cbrand30

    Help needed!

    the smoke is light grey and has a strong smell of petrol. its just running incredibly rich and lumpy. no i dont have a timing gun and wouldnt even no where to start to test it?! any ideas of where i could research this sort of info?
  3. cbrand30

    Help needed!

    Hi Any chance of a picture of the lump under the bonnet ok il post a couple of pictures tonight. just of the engine or any detailed pictures?
  4. cbrand30

    Help needed!

    ok il check them out but i have got a feeling that its not as simple as it sounds - bearing in mind its had quite a few hours in the garage already, and surely blocked injectors would be one of the first things that would have been checked? I am located near chelmsford, essex
  5. cbrand30

    Help needed!

    ok just tried starting it but batterys completely flat. but whilst talking to my dad about it, its jogged my memory somewhat! it used to start mostly first time, sometimes second or third, but when it did it misfired badly and was never smooth. it ran really rich and there was a hell of a lot of smoke coming out. also, i seem to recall that a couple of injectors were not working, as when it was running, if the first or third one were removed it would make no difference. so this could imply that its an engine management issue. it has had a few hours at a local "specialists" garage who changed the ecu and a couple of other bits, but when he discovered he wasnt having no luck, he returned the corrado rather than having the bill mount up and still getting nowhere. hope this is a bit clearer....
  6. cbrand30

    Help needed!

    ok well its been sat for about a year and a half now under cover. to be honest its been a while since i even tried to start it, so il try again tonight and report back later on....im based near chelmsford in essex. thanks
  7. cbrand30

    Help needed!

    Brought my 2.0 16v corrado over a year ago as a non runner for a couple of hundered quid. Always had the intention to do it up but the last few months I have been seriously debating weather to sell it or not as I havent really had the funds to repair it. However, I'm hoping by turning to you guys you could hopefully point me in the right direction as to where to go from here or recommended any local garages! just really want to get it up and running for as cheap as possible! i fancy the challenge to have a go at doing as much as i can, hopefully with some guidance from anyone if possible. i am far from an expert so forgive me if i sound vague, but originally when the car was taken to the garagem silicone was found in the petrol. this was all cleaned out but unfortunately it wouldnt start. a number of things have been tried, replaced and tested, such as the ecu and fuel injectors, however im still having no luck. just nothing whatsoever when i turn the ignition. i would greatly appreciate any ideas and help if there is any, or weather it would just be best to forget about it! cheers
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