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Dog Soldier

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About Dog Soldier

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  1. Cheers mate. I've just popped down to look at the car and I've spotted the problem straight away, the pas belt has come off, and is pretty mangled. So I'm assuming all I need to do is get a new one and fit it, and hopefully that should be the problem resolved. I'll check the fluids also, but then if there's still a problem it's safe to assume it's the pump that's gone then. Do I need any special tools to get it fitted or do I have to take anything out or can I just fit a new belt back over it?
  2. I'm not very mechanically minded. How would I go about checking the fluid and to see if the belt has come off?
  3. I drive a M plate corrado (2.0l) and this morning the steering has just become incredibly heavy, heavy enough that you just couldn't drive the vehicle. There's nothing obstructing the wheels, so I'm assuming it's power steering related. Anyone got a clue on what it could be?
  4. Prior to it going into the garage (for some unrelated work), the electric windows, and mirrors did not work. Everything else fine. Garage had a look at it, said it definitley wasn't the fuse. Said they'd need to get someone in to have a decent look at it.
  5. Apologies if this is in the wrong place. I own a VW Corrado (2.0L 95 version) and for some inexplicable reason the electric windows have stopped working. I've changed the fuses around and that hasn't remedied the situation. Anyone have any previous experience of this?
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