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  1. so im thinking of getting rid of my 96 audi a4 (aka the money pit), and cotemplating getting a corrado. can anyone give me some information about the repair costs, if i happened to pick up one of these beautys? are the corrado parts easy to come by for fixes, or are they expensive since they dont make them anymore? my usual repair bill goes for about 500-1000 for each item wrong in my audi, i hope the corrado would be less expensive? if anyone could tell me some info or point me to a good thread in the forums, it would be appreciated!!
  2. i have loved corrados ever since i first saw them. i never thought about buying one until recently. i am trying to get rid of my 96 audi a4, but have a few questions... are corrados expensive to repair? do most VW dealers repair corrados? also i dont work on cars myself, besides general work, are corrados fast and furious without having to send them to a shop to get mods done? are they fun to drive? how do they perform on highways? any down sides to owning a corrado? any input would help, thanks!
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