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About Colin_Corrado

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  • Location
    Belfast (N. Ireland)


  • Interests
    Corrado's !! VR6 Engine, Beer, Sex


  • Occupation
    Electronics Tech
  1. Try this.... disconnect battery for a while (10 mins or so) then when you reconnect hold the keyfob button down for like 5-7 seconds... this programs the alarm to the keyfob control and it should put everything back in sync... this advice was given to me by a VW main stealer..... and works for me.
  2. Could be that your sparkers are not firing on all six.... check each one for a healthy spark.. you will know a healthy spark if when holding the disconnected lead with the engine running you receive a mighty sharp jolt down your spine As a further safety note... I really do NOT recommend doing the above as you could do yourself harm.. and will almost certainly damage your cars 'brain' ... sorry !!!
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