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About tako

  • Rank
  • Birthday January 15


  • Location


  • Interests
    Corrado's / Music / Travel


  • Occupation
    DJ / Producer / Artist manager
  1. will do for sure - obviously any excuse to drive the beast now ! get out of my way mofos !!
  2. Hi all thanks for all the help - i must say that i posted exactly the same thread on a few other boards - but got no sensible answers / or no response - so kudos to you all !! Ok - well good news is that i got it working last night !!! bad news - not sure what it was !!! - I think it was a mixture of things - definitely ignition timing / and maybe timing belt too. drove to work a very happy man this mornign - and getting the timing checked professionally today. I really hope this is the end of the (major) problems - and i will update my profile to show you what she looks like later too. Thanks again for all the help - even the moral support got me through a very trying time !!
  3. hi all and thanks for the responses.... I live in beverwijk - about 15 km from schipol and hoofdorp i think. I would really appreciate some help from someone who has been through it ! my mechanic is not available til monday so i am not sure i will get any luck this weekend. I will check the timing, ignition, fuel, and sparks. Damn its a beautiful day - but i know it will be raining all next week
  4. thanks for the replies... in answer to the questions .... i took the sparks out yesterday and cleaned them as they were wet from flooding when trying to start it too much. I didnt check all 4 for sparks but did check 1 which was fine. - i have a good alarm - dont think its cutting the ignition - but always try to start it with alarm unlocked. im thinking its either electrics or fuel - i have pretty much replaced everything else except gearbox, and clutch - neither of which are causing this !- but i wont be able to give it time until monday anyway, so i will let you know if i get the damn thing started. its torture because she is great condition otherwise, 89 black with good paint, brocks on it, grey leather - and a pretty mint interior - so i just cant wait for it to fire up properly. autobahn is two hours from me too ! any more thoughts from anyone welcome too....
  5. Hi all, just joined - so hi from me - matt from Uk - but living in Holland Like many of you i am sure - this car is my dream car _ when they work ! I bought my g60 4 months ago - and it blew up first day. i have replaced the head top, bolts and gasket, thermostat, air filter, water pump, timing belt, distribution and loads of other stuff.... this took a while as my mechanic had a bereavment and has a full time job restoring porsches. so we finally got it started - and it lasted a day ..... than it just would not start, made the first turn over but didnt kick in. so this week i bought a new starter motor cos the other was worn... fly wheel looks ok so left that. put in the starter and it turns over - makes all the right noises - but just will not catch. i am pulling my hair out and just have no idea what to do next..... wondering if anyone has ANY ideas at all ?> I am sick of the usual answers from non corrado owners - and the i told you so's !! Someone has suggested an ecu reset - but i thought this only works for vr6 models ? i cant walk past it every day any more - so it needs to start or be sold - 4 months owner ship and 2 days driving is not cool. - I expected the usual troubleshooting - but this is way beyond that now. help anyone ?
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