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About howlowdave

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  1. Ah Thats ace cheers for that buddy!! makes sense ill check it out tommorrow i did have my suspicions about the lambda sensor!! :cheers:
  2. my car has slowly developed an entirely intermittent idling fault which in the last couple of days has got worse! it seems to happen when the engine is warm after cruising at speed and coming to a stand still??? The engine starts to idle really lumpy and uneven but does'nt cut out! when driving while the problem is occuring the car seems a little hesitant and does not drive as smooth as it should although does seem to clear as you push it through the rev range!If you switch engine off and restart the problem is still there unless its left a while???? :confused4: does anbody have any ideas or experienced any similar problems with there own cars?? ive checked vac pipes and earth leads etc but not sure where to look next??? :shrug:
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