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About chayk

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  1. Trying to solve my idling problem on my 93 2.0 16v. i read on a previous post that there is a micro swith that needs to be in contact when the throttle is closed, can anyone tell me exactly where it is, or even better a pic of it? Also i am going to replace the temp sensor that feeds into the ISV? as i am told this can also solve the idle problem, what sensor is it? I found this pic on the web, is the sensor shown on here, think i have two to choose from. http://home.comcast.net/~mbrackliffe/piece2.jpg Any help, tips would be great, cheers.
  2. http://home.comcast.net/~mbrackliffe/piece2.jpg Found it, quite helpful.
  3. I saw a photograph that located all the engine sensors on the 2.0l 16v engine but cant find it anymore, anyone got a copy of it? Cheers
  4. cheers for the tips, i dont suppose you have a pic of the engine bay high lighting the isv and throttle body, for the avoidance of doubt. cheers
  5. I ve a 93 2.0 16v model, for some time now the engine hunts, usually just over a 1000 but sometimes it locks onto 2500 and when i switch the engine off and restart it, it seems to be back to normal revs, any ideas?? Thanks.
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