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About big_dane

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  1. Cheers mate! Ill give it a try! Where abouts would i find this switch? Is it underneath the throttle body? Cheers big_dane
  2. Hey people To cut a long story short, like many of the 2.0L 16v owners on the forum my car is running like a bag of s*it. To the point where its starving itself of fuel and cutting out making it undrivable as it wont even go 20 yards without stalling! Iv had a mobile tuner out this morning and after reading the fault codes on it, its read that there is a problem with the closed throttle position switch! After a while too the ecu stopped communicating with the computer but the tuner said that hes know ecu's not respond but still run the car perfectly. Iv only had my rado for bout 6 months and im not very clued up as to the mechanics of them or how they work, which i know is not brilliant! If anyones got any ideas on how i could sort this and where i could get the parts from that would be sound. Thanks for your help big_dane
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