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About JohnBoy

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  1. Hi, I have a 9A from a passat GT transplanted into a mk2 golf. I've had some problems getting it up and running right but with a new temp sensor and a few other bits done but I've still got a really high CO, 6%. Now I dont want to go swapping out parts at random, although we do suspect the lambda. I know the 9A can be diagnosed somehow, and I've seen guides that connect leds to the diagnostic port. but I dont have a diagnostic port. I only have the engine loom back to the fusebox. how/where would I go about either fitting a diagnostic port, or tapping into the loom and flashing the codes from there?
  2. Hi, I'm putting a 2L 16v 9A engine from a B3 passat into a 1.3 Mk2 I have a few minor wiring and plumbing questions. On the engine loom first off 1: I think is the speedo sensor 2: Not a clue, but relatively heavy gauge so seems like it might be important 3: Not a clue Now the vaccum/breather hoses (ones I'm unsure of are in italics) This is KE-Jet from a 9A as opposed to K-Jet on a KR, I dont know how much difference that makes, but afaik this is one of the areas with differences This first pic is of the servo hose 1: Goes to MFA 2: Goes to 6 I think 3: Main servo hose, onto back of manifold. (on a sidenote this is one of the first places that the passat's greater width has been noticeable, I'll need to shorten this slightly) 4: Goes across to isv and has a small branch down to underside of inlet mani 5: Goes down to hot air flap actuator in airbox 6: Connects to 2 7: No clue, comes from throttle body. 8: ehh, i didnt number anything 8... 9: block breather, but where does the other end go to? 10: goes up to the cold injector. Also on this whole area is there any reason not to remove the warm air feed off the exhaust manifold? cold air is good right? and does anyone know what will happen if I dont have the fuel tank ventilation valve hooked up? So corrado people, help a (9A stealing) golf owner out, John
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