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About polus

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  1. polus

    VR6 Engine Weight

    http://forums.seloc.org/viewthread.php? ... 852&page=5 Someone has done it (not me)... hmmm :norty:
  2. Hi everyone, I’m pondering possible engines to transplant into an Elise S2. Most people use Honda Ks (From Type-Rs), Duratec 2.0l / 2.3l or Audi 1.8T to replace the K-series but I’m wondering about the (remote) possibility of a VR6. Obviously being an Elise, weight is important but the VR6 has the benefit of being designed for a 4 pot FWD engine bay which is exactly what the Elise requires. The BHP is around the same as the various 4 pots but it’s the sound that would seal the deal. Q. I’ve tried looking for specs on Engine weight but they don’t seem forthcoming and if there are any great weight reductions to be had, which would be most useful. Obviously the Elise doesn’t have air conditioning or power steering so if there are any ancillaries of that nature, they can go :) The orignal K-series engine is 130 kg (including gearbox). Obviously the odds of this coming off are low, very low, but it would an interesting project if possible. Thanks :)
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