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About steupton

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  • Birthday 01/10/1982
  1. UPDATE Its a gonna!!!! the engine fu..... well you know the rest. Right now thats out the way whats next.? any suggestions looking for an engine now. have bout £300 kniccer maybe £500. anyone any ideas?
  2. steupton

    NON starter

    i have a 1.8 16v. over the last week ive noticed oil bein sucked up into the air intake and down onto the floor. NIIIIIICE recently the car started to shudder slightly under hard accelleration. after that a few starting problems with the airbox puffing out smoke before starting. today the car started no problem then driving along all of a sudden the shudder started and wouldnt go away. the car just wouldnt accellerate when putting my foot down. sounded very bass'y bit like how a scooby would sound. then.........stalled. now the bloody thing wont start. ive searched for this problem on here and one person has it but there isnt any resolve. just wonderin if anyone elso has had this problem and knows how to corredt it. sheers steve UPDATE: Just gone out to the car and checked a few pipes that arnt blocked. checked the plugs and theres oil in chamber 1. had a bloke out who tried to strt it and instantly said that my piston rings have gone. does this sound right?? cars not been working now for 3 days and it starting to piss me off. could someone please take the time out to try and help me. cheers again steve
  3. where are all these things situated? are they all pipes connected through the air box? throttle body etc?
  4. im having this problem now my car wont start. whats this connetor your talkng about????
  5. i have a 1.8 16v. over the last week ive noticed oil bein sucked up into the air intake and down onto the floor. NIIIIIICE recently the car started to shudder slightly under hard accelleration. after that a few starting problems with the airbox puffing out smoke before starting. today the car started no problem then driving along all of a sudden the shudder started and wouldnt go away. the car just wouldnt accellerate when putting my foot down. sounded very bass'y bit like how a scooby would sound. then.........stalled. now the bloody thing wont start. ive searched for this problem on here and one person has it but there isnt any resolve. just wonderin if anyone elso has had this problem and knows how to corredt it. sheers steve :cheers:
  6. yeah that seems likley tbh the airbox tray is covered. is this a major problem or can this be resolved quite easiley?
  7. Major oil leak.! just gone out to the car and there a big oil patch just under the drivers side of the engine. popped the bonnet and everythin looks ok. lookin from underneath it looks to be commin from under the airbox. car is a 1.8l 16v any ideas where this could be commin from?
  8. No help at all mate thanks though. i need the diagram of the loom for the stereo not the car.
  9. IVe done the search and to no avail.
  10. RIGHT heres the long story (its needed) Bought an old Beat 700 dvd player for the car. (goes well with the grey n black int.) took out the old stereo and hey presto the guy who fit the old had done a right ol job of the loom. oh well. the old stereo worked perfect. on connecting up my new osi leads the player came on straight away and hey presto just a quick change. (oh so i thought) on disconnecting these i helped the new player into place and proceeded to ease in :gag: when the wires where catching at the back the player wouldnt go all the way. so i thought to myself ill pull it out when i did the wires were pulled out of the socket on the back of the stereo (yellow,black,red n blue n black) so i dissconned the iso from the back of the stereo and i dont know where they are situated in the little plug that connects to the stereo. ive gid it a go in a few combinations and everytime i plug it in and connect it up the fuse blows. even the fuse on the stereo. have i buggered the unit? or do i just need to find out what pins they are for on the stereo and cut them in the right places or would it be better to try and get a new iso lead? does anyone out there have a beat 700? or would know of where to get a new lead? ebay is usless!! cheers for all ye who read. and thanks again steve. :clap:
  11. no worries matey. just got a fresh batch of glass too.
  12. steupton

    Keeps BLOWIN

    Got another little beauty under my sleave too. on the early rado theres wires running to a junction box then to the lights and indicators and so forth. these sit under the airbox and after a while the wires will become worn and torn. this causes a short everytime you set off or rev the car. so if you find fuses blowing on set off. check the wires under the airbox and everyones a winner.
  13. steupton

    Keeps BLOWIN

    Update all fixed. the earth to the lights is on the inner wing. cleaned replaced and all back to normal.
  14. OKie dokie anyone wanting there inlet manifold doin send it me and ill do it for free.
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