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About markuskj007

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    VW Corrado Lotus V8 Snowboarding Motorcycling Climbing
  1. Thanks for the advice. It was the thermostat which was in a poor state - bugger to get at eh! Car now beautifully warm even at -6 on the way home.
  2. Thanks David - assumed it was a proper noob question or something ;) Good to find out what the issue was. Cheers M
  3. Apparently it was worn bushes in the end.
  4. Just recently my VR6 has started to have a sudden steer to the right at about 73 mph, such that I need to adjust using the steering wheel. This is totally out of my knowledge, has anyone experienced this before? Obvious things like tire pressures checked.
  5. Thanks David. I plan to get it in to the garage ASAP. The levels were topped up at the garage and heavily doped with anti-freeze. Excuse the thickness but is the issue with heat that the engine does not get up to operating temp, is there anyhting else that becomes an issue
  6. Thanks Dave. What would happen if untreated? Also, is there any 'safe' way to get this to a garage without a trailer?
  7. Hello there The back story is that over Christmas, in -12 temp the heater matrix went bang. Managed to pull over immediately so hoped for no damage. Had it garage fixed as I was away from home but the guys were pulling in a favour as it was the holidays so did nt have a chance to do a full test. I drove it down from Aberdeen to Glasgow and although it started to warm up to about 84 on the digital reading the temp dial barely moved, then it dropped continually 2 degrees every 10 miles or so. I pulled in and found this excellent article "The definitive VR6 cooling guide - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=68720" which suggested a thermostat issue. After nursing the car home with frequent stops I read up more on the forum today and see that getting at the thermo is no easy job. Before I attack this I wanted to check that this looks like the culprit? What do you guys think?
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