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About jimmyr

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    IT Specialist
  1. jimmyr

    No idle when hot

    Thanks guys, will give those a try.
  2. jimmyr

    No idle when hot

    Hi guys, I can't believe I have had my Corrado almost 2 years and have only just found a decent Corrado forum! Anyway on to the problem: My 2.0 16v has developed a problem where the car starts fine from cold and idles normally. However if I drive for 20 minutes or so, enough to get the engine warm, then switch off the engine and return to the car within an hour or so, the car does not want to start with out revving and the idle point has gone - as soon as you take your foot off the accelerator it cuts out. This will carry on for about 20 minutes driving, when suddenly the idle point returns and everything is normal again. I have changed alternator arms and ignition leads etc but no change. My mechanic thinks it may be the electrics getting overheaded and failing, which would explain the problem only occuring when the car is warm. However if anyone has any ideas or experience of this problem your input would be much appreciated as this problem is driving me nuts!!
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