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friday fun!! whats your fav 3 raddo's on this forum ??

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for me its

roddys vr6 "storm!" fav std vr6

danilo's g60

and you will proberlly guess my fav raddo on this group is .................



go on have a think and post it here!!! :lol: :lol:

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Roddys Storm has gotta be one of the best ones, without a doubt.


I like dubster82's a lot as well.. just subtle modifications, very clean paintwork, and tasty alloys..


Last choice would be a tough one. To be honest I like every Corrado here because I like pretty much every Corrado. Well... almost every one :)

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i haven't seen anyone's car in person, so its hard to judge.. so i'll say i like MINE cuz i'm feckin off early from work to put it all back together and i'll be rollin on sunday when the insurance kicks in! wooo!!! 500km charger break in with my new sns stage 3, then uppin the fueling and droppin in the sns 5-5 waiting on my desk. can't wait.


..from what i've seen online, i like darren and ant's cars a lot... and that 16vG60 out of PD (sorry, forgot the name) has got to be a riot to drive! for looks, i like darren's the best.

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gee you guys you're making me blush here :o :oops: ........believe me the camera can lie a bit......its in decent nick but it still needs some work to get to the standard i'm wanting....stone-chipped front,knack'd alloys,a ripply pass.door i could go on........

anyway my 3 that i've seen pics of and in the flesh are

skid's.......even before getting his paintwork seen to it was in good nick

joeM's vr6......used to drool over that one before i ever met the previous owner paul

......sorry if its sounding like i'm scottish biased btw


and jimbo's corrado???....the one with the window deflector thingys......just looks so cool in black



but everyone elses one has their own merits......afterall one of my most favourite of all C's..Bill Aitken's one btw....even Bill reckons his one isn't that great....but i'm sure most people agree its one of the best they've ever seen...likewise mark gough's one

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there is some nice C in this forum. I like the red G60 and the Black C 16v and i will like mine when its done :D . Its true sometimes camera lies,but again some ppl dont like some body mods on the c like big bumpers sideskirts and things like that but Hey Different strokes for different folks 8) and a forum meet should clarify this and a trofe should be given to the best styled C :lol:

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:oops: d'oh how rude of me....forgot to say thanks to darren and jims16v for the compliment........where is it you want me to send those fivers out to then???? :wink:

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Cheers Roddy, I still think your overly critical of yours as I hardly even noticed much of what you says wrong with it.


As for my favorites, err, too many good ones too chooose from.


Roddys Storm - it was a Storm just like this that got me into Corrados when a guy that stays near me got one brand new when I was about 15 or 16.


dubster82's g60 - I like that colour a lot but its the wheels more than anything else, there the ones I would buy if I was changing.


Mine - Cause its mine. :D


Scottish biased as well but I only like to comment on cars ive seen in the flesh.

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