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ABS relays

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An odd one...


A friend of mine is currently doing some work on my car. (It sounds dodgy, but he knows what he's doing and I have the utmost confidence in him!) This is the first good going over it's had since I bought it back in March, and I asked him to try and sort out the ABS for me(warning light was coming on and staying on, car pulled to one side under breaking etc). Basically, he's had a bit of a mare with it as it appears that, at some point in the car's lifetime the ABS has been "fettled" by someone else. This has resulted in a rather bizarre wiring configuration. Using VAG COM my friend reckons he's traced my faulty ABS back to a faulty relay, which is now on order, but my question to you guys is, do any of you have any idea what the previous owner may have been trying to acheive by rewiring the ABS?

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WooHoo! I think we're getting somewhere!


So the relay has been changed, along with a knackered wheel sensor.


The ABS light went out for the first time since I've owned it, only to come on again down the road. Upon further inspection, it appears my car has been lowered slightly, but whoever did it managed to trap the ABS loom in some part of the suspension, causing it to get squashed everytime the car goes over a bump! :roll: A new loom is on the way. Let's see if that sorts it.


I really had no idea my car had been lowered. Does it look lower to you guys?

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