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SNS Chip Tuning?

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In the coming weeks I shall be getting a couple of upgrades for my G60...


SNS Chip

Red Top Injectors

RSR Charger Outlet

Milltek Decat Pipe


to add to my current spec of:


G-Werks Stage 4 Charger

68mm Pulley

Gas-Flowed Head

Supersprint Exhaust


The thing that I'm curious about is the SNS Chip. I don't know anything about the difference between Chips and ECU's (I thought they were the same, until my flatmate started trying to explain to me) and with the new chip do I need it to be custom mapped to my car? I emailed Stealth asking them if they could do it, I'd like to go to them as they used to maintain my car, and I got this reply:




We can do a rolling road test/tune for £50+vat, this should bring up any


that may be with your car.



Stealth Racing.


The price sounded a little cheap if thats a custom map?


Could someone please explain the difference between ECU's, Chips, Remaps etc.? and what I'll need to make my car run at its best with all this new stuff :)


I'm still just learning :oops:


Cheers, Chris

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hi chris an ECU is a electronics device that the Chip is installed into... im not sure about the remap im sure some1 else will anser that Q 4 u.

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woah someone else in middlesbrough! will have to look out for you.. if you see another red corrado flashing at you it'll probably be me :) I never see any other corrados around here..

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i think the stage 5 chip is plug in and play with a 3.5 bar fpr.


makes a huge difference.i went from a jabba chip to stage 5 and fpr and it was like a different car.


if you speak bilal(uk sns importer) he has some slightly tweaked maps based on the standard stage 5. for smaller pulleys and different injectors.


ask about the air/fuel mixture guages too.

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hi chris , i did see that u were from boro but i'd already posted.... boro has a few C's kickin around i think ive seen yours but it was parked up on the 2 times i seen a red C


maybe see u around some time

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Ok I've been asking this question to a few people, and my current understanding is this:


You have the ECU which controls the various functions of the engine (namely how much fuel to put in etc.) and the amount is determined by the map which is on the chip. If you have a remappable ECU then you can simply get this set up perfectly to your car, or if you were to do a certain mod (namely a 68mm pulley) then you can get an off the shelf chip for this mod... some of these chips may be mappable, and some may not...


^ Is this right?


The only thing I'm confused by now is whats the difference between an SNS chip, and a Jabba Chip... if they were both set up for my car? Namely would there be any difference me getting an SNS chip and then properly set up, compared to if I were to simply use my Jabba chip and get that properly set up?


I feel I already know the answer to that question.. but I don't know why?


Alby, cheers I'll PM Bilal now and see if he can explain it all for me :) Also I believe the 5.5 Chips are out now, and don't need a 3.5 bar FPR


Gareth, I go to Teesside Uni, so thats where my car is most the time when around boro. The only other Corrado I've seen is a Red one with an RS4 front bumper (or something similar) and a reiger grille around teesside park area.

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you can get a chip mapped to your exact car on a rolling road.laptop connects to the ecu to find the best parameters for your car.once they have been found.they can then be burnt onto the chip and installed in your ecu.


advantage of the sns chip over the jabba one.is that the sns one reduces what they call 'digi lag'.so you have a much better throttle response.it also stops it running dangerously lean at hi revs.

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The chip is essentaily a data storage device like a CD rom. The information on the chip is basically a reference table. All the senders send signals back to the ECU. The majority of the senders are varible resisters or switches which the values are adjusted by somthing physically upon the engine e.g. water tempreture, boost etc.

The ECU reads these values and then looks up a value off the reference table stored on the chip to determine what fueling and ignition advance is required for the conditions that the engine is under.

When you map a car what you are effectivly doing is setting the value on the reference table manualy to one that is correct to give the right fueling/advance so that the car runs safly and efficently for the conditions the engine is under.

When you physically modify the engine the ECU is blind to the modifaction and adjusts the fuling/ignition advance in accordence to what it thinks it should be from the information supplyed by the senders. If you fit a cam or a gas flowed head for example you are getting more air into the cylinders but the boost pressure will drop as there is more boost in the cylinders rather than stored up in the inlet manifold.

For arguments sake without a gas flowed had at 4000rpm the engine at full throttle may be registering 14psi. With the gas flowed head under the same conditions it may be registering 12psi.. but there is more air in the cylinders therfore more fuel is needed. The map sensor at 14psi will send the ECU a value of say 4v, at 12 psi it may give a value of 3v. So, the information on the table for 3v signal from the map sensor needs to be adjusted so that it is supplying more fuel now to compensate for the engine mods.

When a engine is mapped a laptop is plugged up to the ECU via a interface which plugs into the socket as the chip would normally do, effectively the laptop becomes the refrence table that you can adjust the values of it accordingly. When all the values have been adjusted so the car is running the right fuel mixture etc the new data on the reference table is save on the laptop then burn't onto a chip like you would burn a CD rom. The new chip is then fitted to the ECU so it has a new data table to refer too.

Most engines with the same mods will fall into the same ballpark, so effectivly you can use the chip written for one engine in the ECU of another engine of the same spec. There may be small discrepencies between cars, this is where the refernce table can be further adjusted to suit that engine individualy.

This is why cars run so poorly when a sender fails as the ECU is being given the wrong information so looks to run the car from a unsuitble place of the reference table.

The difference between other manufaturers chips and the SNS chips is that the information on the reference table is looked up a lot more quickly, so there is little delay from when a value changes at the sensor, the ECU finding the appropiate information off the refrence table and altering the fueling accordingly.

Hope this makes sence.. It is late.

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excellent explaination, thankyou :D


So can you adjust the reference table on the SNS chips slightly so that it would be right for my car, without having to burn a new chip? I.e. like a Re-Writeble CD :)

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Slight adjustments can be made via the CO pot and distributer timing cam be made to make fine adjustments to a chip that is mapped to the spec of the car.

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I go to Teesside Uni, so thats where my car is most the time when around boro. The only other Corrado I've seen is a Red one with an RS4 front bumper (or something similar) and a reiger grille around teesside park area.


thats the 1 i have seen with the RS4, debadged grill.


i'll keep an eye open 4 ya :)

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ive been running the 3.5bar, reds and sns for some time now. i have tested a few variants from bilal over the last couple of years and they have got better each time. im still on the 3.5 bar version. nolag 3 if my memory serves.

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I've got an sns chip in my g60. Its an off the shelf jobby. I'll need my car mapped now as its not running properly, ie using waaay too much fuel. its always best that a chip is written specifically for your set up.

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I've got an sns chip in my g60. Its an off the shelf jobby. I'll need my car mapped now as its not running properly, ie using waaay too much fuel. its always best that a chip is written specifically for your set up.


Are you sure everything else is working / adjusted correctly, O2 sensor / CoPot etc..?

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I've got an sns chip in my g60. Its an off the shelf jobby. I'll need my car mapped now as its not running properly, ie using waaay too much fuel. its always best that a chip is written specifically for your set up.


are you sure you have the correct aplication for your needs.. aren't you the guy running the llysolm ? if so what map are you using ?

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In the coming weeks I shall be getting a couple of upgrades for my G60...


SNS Chip

Red Top Injectors

RSR Charger Outlet

Milltek Decat Pipe


to add to my current spec of:


G-Werks Stage 4 Charger

68mm Pulley

Gas-Flowed Head

Supersprint Exhaust


The thing that I'm curious about is the SNS Chip. I don't know anything about the difference between Chips and ECU's (I thought they were the same, until my flatmate started trying to explain to me) and with the new chip do I need it to be custom mapped to my car? I emailed Stealth asking them if they could do it, I'd like to go to them as they used to maintain my car, and I got this reply:




We can do a rolling road test/tune for £50+vat, this should bring up any


that may be with your car.



Stealth Racing.


The price sounded a little cheap if thats a custom map?


Could someone please explain the difference between ECU's, Chips, Remaps etc.? and what I'll need to make my car run at its best with all this new stuff :)


I'm still just learning :oops:


Cheers, Chris


How much power can this mod bring up?

Any ideas guys?

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