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ABS Problem

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Right, since changing the rear discs on my VR I've been getting the good ol' ABS light showing it's face again. Is fairly infrequent, but it's only happened since I did the work. VAG-COM shows it up as "rear left speed sensor out of bounds". A quick on off on the ignition fixes the problem. It also only seems to happen when I got over 115mph. I've also noticed that under heavy braking down from 100mph+ the back feels a bit unstable and I have to correct the weave to keep it tidy, I don't remember it doing this before but it could be because I'm thinking about it more with the ABS failing. :?


So some background, when I was removing the old cage from the rear left to fit it to the new hub I bent ONE of the wires in the cage by a few fractions of a mm. Not a lot, but I could see the gap between the wires was ever so slightly smaller on one side than the other. Could this be what's causing it? Seems a bit of a cooincidence it's the left. :(

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It is probably the ABS wheel, I would check and make sure the ABS sensor is clean and no junk is stuck to it. If the wheel is too far away it will not work properly so I begin there as it is the cheapest place to start. It is not common for the sensors to go and seeing as this problem started with the cage that is probably it.



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