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coolant fan problems

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hi everytime my fan kicks in a very disturbing noise appears sounds as if the fan is loose and rubbing on everything. any ideas on the problem and price of new fan? thanks

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which engine do you have? (the fans are different on different models)

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OK, it's only a single fan then (VR6s have a twin fan setup) 8)


Right, there's a few things that can be causing this...


Disconnect the multiplug off the fan motor (so that it doesn't start up and hurt you!)

Spin the fan by hand to see what's going on.


There's not a lot of clearance between the the fans edge and the metal cowling around the radiator... if there's some corrosion on the metalwork, then it can bubble up enough to just catch the fan and cause the kinda noise you mention... easily fixed with the aid of Mr. Hammer... ;)


The other things that tend to happen are that the bearings in the fan give way meaning that the fans center drops slightly so that it's not sitting horizontally as it should do... that's new fan time... Or the fan itself can come loose from the end of the shaft, which you'll spot if it's loose when you spin it by hand... :|


Fans cost around £50 from GSF 8)

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IIRC there is also a spacer washer on the shaft behind the fan which falls to bits with age and allows the fan to move in/out and causes unusual noises so could be that

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