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Gearbox oil filling.

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Can you fill the gearbox oil through the speedo cable hole. The filler plug is jammed on mine and i need to top up the oil level.

Its a '89 valver.


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Ouch, jammed! Blimey. Umm, 17mm allen socket and a heee-uge breaker bar not going to cover it?

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Tried it all!!!!!!!!!

Feels like the plug will break the box.

Will get heat on it soon. That should do it.

Need to get some more oil in to drive it to the workshop.

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How do you know that you need to top it up if you can't get the filler plug out - does it leak? Have you drained it?


Sometimes it helps to put a good hefty heave on it in the "doing-up" direction first, before trying to undo it. You really need to have the car up on a hoist to get a good leverage on the socket handle, and it must be level when filling the gearbox to get the correct oil level. If the gearbox is empty, perhaps you can get it towed to your workshop


This doesn't help you, jonocos, but there might be a cautionary tale here for others; don't drain the gearbox oil until you are certain you can undo the filler plug.......


Best wishes



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