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Sean Fleetwood

help save a scirocco?

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Hi there, have recently been the victim of a wayward 40 tonner on the M1 that has in all likelihood written off my Autotech/BRM 152 spec Scirocco GTX. the Scirocco club boys sent this story from your website as a link.........any further data/info re this story would be gratefully recieved.


If i lose the 'beast' i will be in the market for a clean Corrado VR6 i think. ideally i would like to keep them both having owned the GTX for 15 years...........




Sean Fleetwood



According to a report of a recent test case, it seems that, if your car is damaged by a third party in an accident and it is in danger of being written off by either party's insurer, against your wishes, you can sue the third party for the full cost of restoration to the pre-accident condition? This is irrespective of the cost of the repair or the market value of the car; you apparently have an absolute right to choose to have full restoration to the status quo ante (that is yer actual Latin for "what existed before") if you can prove liability.


In other words, we don't have to accept high-handed treatment from insurers who are simply interested in closing their files with as little effort as possible.


It is well worth getting legal assistance with your insurance - it costs next to nothing comparatively speaking. Then you can employ a solicitor to take this up for you if the circumstances unfortunately arise.


I hope this will save a lot of us from losing our "pride and joy", in relatively minor accidents.


I will try to get more details and will pass them on.


Best wishes



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Or have your pride and joy on an agreed valuation. That's what rescued my Mk1 nearly 3 years ago, when some careless idiot Nissan driver rear-ended my Mk1 Rocco on the way back from a show at Donnington Park.


I did hassle the insurance company almost day and night, both via telephone and by letter (which they at least have to acknowledge receipt of), and fax. I even had to call their asessor a w*nker, as he compared the repair of my custom-made Rieger rear bumper skirt to that of a standard Ford Mondeo rear bumper, thereby clearly demonstrating that he knew f*ck all about modded cars, even though the insurance company were fully aware that my Rocco was a heavily modded car on an agreed valuation.


They ultimately bought me out with a suitable cheque within 3 weeks of me constantly hassling and harassing them. That's the only way you're gonna get them to do what you want. We pay them enough as it is, let them rip off all those peeps that don't care about their sheds on 4 wheels, not us car-enthusiasts. Moral preach over :lol:



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