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Dr Forinor

Aftermarket radiator fans

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I want to change my radiator fans to aftermarket ones, lighter and better flow. Can anyone suggest where I should go?


Thanks in advance

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I bought a 12" one (DCSL 12) from Think-Auto and it's knocked the running temps RIGHT down... it's also a shed load smaller thickness than the original one and tidies the bay up LOTS... 8)


It's only a single speed, so I've wired it up via a relay to come on flat out as soon as the low temp comes on, although I may re-wire it soon via a large resistor to give me the 2 speeds again... 8) I didn't bother with their relay kits, I just used a normal 15A relay from a local motorfactors and the original radiator thermo switch which kept the costs down lots... ;)


Reply taken directly from THIS thread.... 8)

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Since I am thinking of fans, should I be thinking of a new radiator too? 1995 with 64k miles on it.


I havent checked the radiator yet, is there any easy way to do this or would I need to take the fans off?

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If it ain't broke don't fix it.......Assuming you don't poke a hole in it while taking it out.



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How can I check if it's "broken" or not though? Reason I ask is cos today my water temp stayed at 104 (the lowest), most of the time it was at 106, so I'm kinda worried.

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A broken radiator would be leaking coolant. If it's water tight it's ok. Assuming it's been fed a diet of correctly mixed antifreeze and water there is no reason to suspect anything wrong with it.

This 104 you have seen is that on the MFA?

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Yes, on the MFA, except, it was on 106 more than it was on 104. I was driving around town, for about 15 miles, fairly hot day (22degC), not ripping it to the max but going up to 3500-4000rpm in 2nd now and then. Stuck in traffic for quite a bit.


I know the engine would get quite hot in these conditions but I would have expected it to at least cool down a bit ya know.


I cant see any coolant leaking through the radiator though.

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The MFA reads OIL TEMP not water Dr. Oil temp is usually pretty constant regardless of ambient temperature.


The water temp will be a fair bit lower, usually in the early 90s, standing in traffic it is normal for it to rise, the fans should keep it cycling between 105ish and 90 Dependant on the tolerance on the fan switch.


I hope that sets your mind at rest a bit.



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Lol, dont I feel stupid now, lol....


So 106 for the oil is fine yeh? Damn, I ever went through the instruction stuff for the MFA so I would know what each figure was for, how can I have missed it. Oh well, live and learn.


Well the gauge for the water was stuck around 100, not changing much at all actually, phew, feel a lot better now.


Thanks a lot h100vw, much appreciated.

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