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Sussex Police Baiting Drivers on M23

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Was just sent this by a mate at work.


Link to Fiat Coupe Forum Post


Was rather disgusted at the prospect, although unsurprised at the same time. I know we've got a fair few forum members around the M23 corridor too, anyone seen this bent pursuit vehicle kicking around?

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yep he raced my mate in a subaru and than fined him


also raced my mate in a vx220 turbo around crawley ended up getting into a proper police chase him and a T4 VOLVO couldnt catch my mate in the vx220 didnt even get the full numberplate coz he was doing silly speeds around roundabouts and things,,,that musta pissed off the evo


the police are even sending out flyers advising KNOWN offenders in the area saying" we havent gone away, we jus changed brands" shows a pic of a blue scooby witha cross through it and than a pic of a evo


its really bad around gatwick crawley and redhill area now i hear lots of stories abt stuff like this happening,,,cant wait for my turn

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I use the M23 every day....seen a police light green metallic Saab 9-5.......



Furki you will be fine....that car of your's does not get outta Ist........

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Flyers? Bloody hell, what next? Back of a milk carton? "Wanted, we've seen you doing 80 on the motorway (p.s we weren't boot riding you, honest m'lud).


This is getting ridiculous, I mean I appreciate WHY there are measures in place for getting people to slow down - but c'mon play fair. If this was one police officer, then maybe I could understand - but I'm sure they don't assign one pursuit vehicle to one copper and send him on his merry way. So, I'm willing to bet this is an initiative or a quiet scheme among officers.


Essentially, this is entrapment. It's no worse than leaving a wallet on the side of the street and then nicking the first poor soul that picks it up for theft.


I like one member's post about slamming on the anchors if they boot ride. But I'm willing to bet the insurance company mantra of "you shouldn't have been driving so close to the car in front, you're liable" won't wash here like the other member follows up with.


Oh well, one more car to watch out for now. Undercover Saab 2.0T's were one thing, Volvo T4's you could spot a mile off, and even the Vauxhall's, Octavia's and Renault's with the hidden flashy blues on the front - but we've got to be suspicious of anything over 150 bhp?


One more reason for emigrating this godforsaken country. :roll:

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Furki you will be fine....that car of your's does not get outta Ist........


Big Pimpin... P-I-M-P :lol:

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G-Lader, :lol:,,,, cant say anything at all to ya mate,,,been bought up to respect the elderly :lol:

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yea had trouble off wanka cops befrore in a mates rado.....coming up behind him very close so he downshifts then flys off ....then they see him later and tells him off for racing :S

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Disgraceful isnt it.

then they wonder why people lean towards not being pro police.


A friend was asked to get into the back of a police car this week for not wearing a seatbelt,ended up refusing the fixed penalty so the copper falsly charged him then with verbally threatening a police officer,bastards make me wanna puke if thats the law.

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