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Son of a Beesting

Sat nav and camera detector in one??

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Hello All


I am currently trying to justify the cost of a sat nav system for my C and was wondering if you can get any radar detector with a sat nav system??


Also does anyone know if you can hardwire the Road angel 2 as i maybe deleting my cig lighter and ashtray for some guages.


Thanks for the time

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The new Tomtom 5 has a speed camera locator option for an additional 69 Euros per year that will tell you of any fixed camera locations you are approaching and also the speed limit it is set to. However it has no radar detector so cant find the mobile ones for you. Although these are apparently going to be made illegal again very soon

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Thanks, I have heard mixed reviews of the tom tom style units, with glare etc. I was looking at the in dash flip out screen type.


I was wondering how easy it would be for the police to enforce that law (when it becomes law). Surely they would have to physically go over your car to find it??


Not that I would disobey the law of course....

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But they would be able to see it usually as it needs to be mounted somewhere in line of sight so it can pick up the signal, hence most units are windscreen mounted


And I have no real issues with Glare on my Tomtom unit. But you could get no holes dash mount that they use for mobiles and mount you PDA cradle to that. I've looked into doing it myself and it will work. At some point I'll be doing it myself

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Last I heard was that the Road safety bill (which has the bit about banning detectors) was being re introduced this year. Although when it will come into force is anyones guess.....

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Sat Nav + Camera detectors:


From what I know, Road Angel are bringing out a Navigation system out in 2006 which includes all bells & whistles like the current 'New Road Angel'. However it costs a packet (£600)


Someone mentioned the otehr day that his phone for £100 has Sat Nav, which enabled him to find our house, and it also has locations of fixed cameras. Thats cheap. But as we all know, its those pesky Vans that are the trickiest ones; only the 'New Road Angel' gets those (right?).

Its that part of the device which uses a laser which will be outlawed, which can simply turned on or off on the New Road Angel, as far as Im aware. ;)

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Any idea when they will make the detectors illegal?


AFAIK, it's the active (e.g. laser and radar) detectors that will have trouble with any proposed legislation. Information about the siting of cameras is in the public domain; they're (supposed to be) painted bright yellow and signed in advance therefore hard to miss, so any law suggesting that it would be illegal to provide information to drivers regarding their whereabouts would have a hard time getting past the courts. GPS based systems will probably remain legal for the forseeable future on this basis.


Interestingly, the Road Angel ads I've seen lately concentrate on their products being 'safety devices' warning you of potential accident blackspots (which are the places speed, er 'safety', cameras are supposed to be sited anyhow). Nice re-purposing of official government language ;)

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its only radar detectors that legislation was ment to try and ban, however the act wont go through parliment for some time yet

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a mate of mine found a free site which download a speed camera detector onto his Tom Tom on his PDA. It is updated regularly and has mobile sites aswell as accident blackspots, and it gives you a verbal and visual warning on aproach. Im off over there tonight. Ill get the name of it and post later. PDA with TOMTOM 400 notes.

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Right the program is called Checkpoint. It is marketed as an overlay for the program that sounds an audiable and visible mark on aproach of points of interest (which can be downloaded) ie petrol stations and minor iritations like cameras both static and mobile sites.




Hope it helps.

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