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The true story of a great escape - v.long

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Last Wednesday night (see explanation below for time delay)


The scene: outside my flat in the snow



I was sat down having a medicinal whiskey (bad cough honest). Suddenly I heard the bleating of a car alarm and thought how bloody unsociable. I wandered over to the window and I could see that the C's lights aren't flashing and therefore it couldn't have been the C. However, two men then ran off down the street and the alarm sound was suddenly muffled.


As I would have been unable to sleep without checking I ran downstairs and tried to open the car, but it would open with the alarm fob. Then i noticed that the immobiliser light was permanently on. I opened the car up with the key (good job I haven't de-locked it yet) and tried unsuccessfully to start the engine.


Then I went to release the bonnet and found that it was already open, so I jumped out and went to the front of the C. To my horror the grill was missing :mad: and the bonnet had been wrenched open with a screwdriver. :cry: Once I had opened the bonnet up I could see that my alarm siren and control unit were missing and that there were just loose wires trailing across the engine bay.


Called the police from the car to get my crime reference number just as two men came into view and went dwon the opposite street. Immediately gave details to the policewoman who said that someone would be there ASAP :o.


Called the AA and arranged them to come and tow me to work where there is 24hr security cover.


Better half joined me at this point and I then found my grill in the hedge. As the AA man arrived, a beat up Jap car with blown exhaust and wideboy spoiler came past and started driving up and down the roads around us. A girl jumped out of the back and looked at a bike that was attached to the railings across the way and they were looking very closely at the other cars. Being the exemplary citizen that I am I phoned the police straight back and gave them all the details of this car that was behaving very suspiciously.


Next thing we know this car pulled up by the AA van and this large bloke in a puffa jacket and hat pulled right down over his forehead and ears jumped out of the car :!: .


The wife was crapping herself at this point and I was not that far behind in the brown trouser stakes.




Then I saw his walkie-talkie and he got out an ID badge :shock: .


Damned good uncover cops is all I’ll say.


They then drove off and came back 10 minutes later. Another unmarked car and a squad car had caught two men and I had to do a drive by identification (well it’s the closest I will get to a drive by shooting of the b’ds :snipersmile:). Unfortunately I couldn’t positively ID them but they were nicked for other offences.




The AA man towed me to work


The damage to the bonnet and catch was cosmetic only


The next day I got a new alarm fitted with extra hidden sirens – you can’t get in it without losing both ear drums when they are set off.


The police couldn’t nick the men (known car thieves) for my car but apparently one of them at least was in breach of his bail curfew and was facing an automatic prison sentence.


Moral of the story:

Do not ignore that car alarm.

Take care burning up old face-lifted Jap cars as they occasionally contain undercover cops



This has taken me a week to write cos I tried to get some piccy's but damn camera won't connect to this computer then Iwrote the story and the camera made the computer crash before I had sent it :mad: :!:

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Sorry to hear this at least you've still got the C


and how the hell fitted the Alarm control box outside the Car in the engine bay?


Im screwing my Grill in later tonight


try this one


Has you alarm got an positive or negative output of any voltage that could be used for an option extra? You Can use the siren output. It needs to be and output that is only activated with an alarm condition?


I'll explain later, but lets just say you've sleep better at night once you've done this!!

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The siren and control unit are all one piece with the Cobra Cat1 alarm (model 7928) I had fitted two years ago by a VSIB approved fitter. I would be worthwhile anyone with a cobra alarm getting this checked as it ain't good.


Needless to say the new alarm has the control unit hidden inside the car.


PS I do happen to have a spare output on the new alarm - i'm intrigued :?

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Copywrite Nigel Brookes 2003 and i can prove when i did the circuit drawings for this


okay first you need to check what the output does under alarm condition, i.e does it got to earth, go positive or go off completely. It needs to change state not voltage. e.g go from on to off or vice versa.


Second check the voltage of this. and the current as you will need a replay to match it.


Third you need and old nokia Mobile phone with a pay as you go or contract card in it (thats up to you LOL). Can you work it out yet?

This phone is going to be perminantly in your car so think if a place thats near you alarm box, and near a 12v supply that comes on with the engine (to charge the phone) You should add a fuse to the charger and make sure its only on with the car. I know that the battery will only last a few days but the charger wont flatten the battery then or melt the phone or anything daft.


The phone should be one you can modify and ideally one of those old 5xxx series one with a face off model.


you need to program the mobile phone with you number into the number 2 speed dial, now program the phones number into you personal mobile under say "car alram active" or something.


Now with the phone for the car, remove the facia and the keypad, then undo the plastic cover that covers the touch pads.


Now you need to be careful and good with a soldering iron.


You need to remove the small metal cap that covers the number pad you assigned your mobile number too. now you should see two rings one inside the other, now get some house phone type wire and solder a 6 inch length to each circle. then put the plastic cover back over the pad, with the wire comeing out where the cap used to be. make a hole in the key pad for the wire, use the number you have use to solder to!!, put the faica back on and turn on the phone.

now when the two wires are held together the phone will dial the number programed


wire this to the relay so it connects when the alarm is triggered. I'll do some pics. (SEE BELOW)


Now if you alarm goes off the phone dials your mobile (as long as it in credit and conected to the network etc.) if you are you out of range on your mobile, program your own mobile to divert to another number, you'll know its your car cos the alarm can be heard down the phone.


You can add a car phone antena to your car to help the reception too.


hey preston a home made alarm pager!!


All mods ot own risk


I take paypal donations to mailto:[email protected] and I'll forward some to the forum!

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Holy cow dude.. I am glad that your C is still in your possession, and not dumped in a hedge somewhere.


Some of the people these days are total b*stards, and they should be strung up and shot. Its annoying as some people don't just own cars for a functional perspective - they own them because they like them, and these b*stards have such low morals, they don't even consider the upset and frustration they leave behind.


It wouldn't be so bad if it was a bloody Ford Focus or somethin, but the Corrado is getting rarer and rarer as each day goes by..


Anyway - your new alarm sounds up to the job :)




And Nigel.. thats a great idea for a modification to the alarm! Wonder if anyone is gonna have a go at it? :)

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Now I'll panic each time my phone rings :lol:


Seriously that sounds one of the most worthwhile "mods" you can do to the corrado. If you could send me some wiring diagrams I would be most grateful as I get readily confused with 12v electrics!


Thanks again for the info. - mind you I was expecting some mod that electrifies the whole car :lol:

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Nigel, I take it with networks that disconnect if the phone isnt used within a certain number of days the problem could be solved by just phoning up the car or setting off the alarm?

It does sound like a great security measure and the wiring diagrams would be appreciated.

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Nigel, I take it with networks that disconnect if the phone isnt used within a certain number of days the problem could be solved by just phoning up the car or setting off the alarm?

It does sound like a great security measure and the wiring diagrams would be appreciated.


I'll get some drawing and piccy later, im still after a relay (try finding that in spain when you dont speak the lingo well enough.


The network and how you sort that is up to you. most pay as you go systems you need to make a call every so often that is chargable. easy to do you could wire in a swich on a second number pad to dial up as a test function.

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It sounds reasonably easy, im surprised no kits the same sort of idea have ever appeared. Im going to give it a go, just trying to get hold of an old phone. This could be probably the best cheap mod i will have done to my car if I dont blow anything up. :D

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Im going to give it a go, just trying to get hold of an old phone.


eBay is your friend :D

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Jeez, just seen the horror story but happy u still have the c. Some low life tried to nick my 6 from a safeway's carpark in mid afternoon a few mths ago. Messed up the door, but fortunately didn't get in so alarm didn't kick in (scorpion full closure, & shuts the roof) - they saw me coming & took off sharpish.

Too late to do anything by the time I realised what they'd been up to. I wonder if the red mist would have taken over or would I have ended up with a screwdriver in me head if i'd had a go.

Cost a few bob for new handle, bits and getting the door fixed. Just proves nowhere's safe these days. Maybe xtra sirens inside might be a good scheme.

Interesting idea with the phone Nigel

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anyone tried the phone idea out yet, I've still not sorted mine, I've not got an output to use untill i get my Intellivoice unit for the alarm!!! :-(

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Not yet, ive been trying to get a hold of a cheap Nokia but not very hard as my car was off the road.

Its too cold for working on the car now as well so maybe in a few weeks.

I didnt realise you didnt have it on your car, have you tried it on any? Do you forsee any problems with the phone battery after a few weeks if the charger is coming on with the ignition all the time?

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only problems i've forseen is cleaning the screen after an incorrect activation or something but i've sorted that using a relay with 2 poles on connected to the number 2 and one connected to the Clear button. and since the phone i have wont let you hold down the button forever, it stops after a few seconds and the screen clears!!


I've got a working unit, just need to wire it to the Car.


Charger should be okay if you us a fuse, i am going to use the glove box light i think if the circuit will take it. but will use the power off the lighter socket as the charger is ment to be powered from if not.


I intend to put the phone behind the VDO panel, you need to remove some of the side parts of the dash in the footwell to get at it !!

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If the alarm is disarmed and you discard the call on the mobile that is being dialled I think it automatically clears.

The problem I mean with the battery is, if it isnt drained and charged properly then the life of the battery can get erratic due to the memory effect. Ive found with my Nokia if I dont drain it properly before charging, sometimes the phone will switch off after only a few hours, switch the phone back on and it shows half full. After draining properly and charging again its fine however.

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i am going to use the glove box light i think if the circuit will take it


I run my speed camera detector and my satnav GPS receiver off the wiring to the glove box light (easiest location for ignition-only power!) and they work fine.

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