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Where sells a cheap VAG exhaust

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Yesterday I went up to the Yorkshire Dales with a couple of friends. On the way into the car park, we were having a good laugh at the Polo in front, body kit galore, and so low it could barely clear the speed bumps. Ho ho we said, bet he never puts his foot down. At that moment, I checked my rear view, spotted a place to park and gunned it in reverse straight into a low boulder :oops: Obviously everyone thought it was hilarious except me.


Anyway, the upshot is that I hit the rock bang on the tail pipe and have bent the box at the pipe between the rear and mid muffler, where it goes over the axle. The tail pipe is about 3 inches from where it should be and interfering with the bumper.


I was trying to remove the box last night and discovered you have to drop the rear axle to do it , and of course the compensator must come off as well.


A couple of questions:


1) Is there any realistic chance of removing the Vr6 box, bending it roughly back to shape and refitting? There are no cracks in it and it sounds fine when running (v. surprising, mind you, it weighs a ton!) I am not looking for perfection, just good enough to pass the MOT and not interfere with the chassis. Or is the box likely to be on its last legs now.


2) If not, where can I get a cheap VAG exhaust? It seems GSF used to do one for £155+VAT but there are none left. I am assuming it is about £300 from VAG?


3) Is there enough play in the axle to remove the exhaust by dropping only the drivers side of the axle and sliding it across, or does the whole axle+compensator need to come completely off?

I tried just disconnecting the struts so the axle drops a bit and there is nearly enough room to slide the back box out. I feel if the car was on a lift I could flip the box 180 and slide it out like this, is this true?


Obviously the alternative is to chop the old exhaust off and splash out on a 2 part aftermarket jobby. I'm not keen on any increase in noise though. I won't ask for recommendations. :D




Cheers guys, I don't think I could afford the Corrado game without this forum.


Chris W

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It should come off with the axle in situ, unless it won't due to the damage. In which case I'd batter by whatever means required. You can buy full systems for £300ish.


What about going to a stainless exhaust place and just having a BB made?


Just thought, if it's the original system there might not be a split in it at the axle. The factory exhaust is in one piece I believe. There should be marks on the over axle pipe that show you where to cut it off. You can then just fit a BB.


Also, can't see how GSF can't get one for you.



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Yeah its the one piece jobby. What was the reasoning behind this engineering marvel?


Basically I have a fading hope that the one piece can be salvaged for a total cost of £0+VAT.

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I didn't realise you could just get a back box. Where do you cut though, because the pipe it fits onto would probably still need bending back into shape.

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As long as the pipe between the 2 rearmost boxes hasn't been bent then you just need a BB.


There will be somemarks near the axle to sho where to cut it. If you get the BB first you'll be able to see where to look.


It's one piece as they fit the exhaust beofre the axle. Time and labour saving, no need to align the parts etc.


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You can then just fit a BB.

didn't realise you could just get a back box.


There isn't a VR6 back box separately. The replacement is a 16v or G60 box but gas flow rate will differ slightly and I'm not sure the pipe connection matches. So some gigerypokery will be necessary. It's on a curve and in the end I think you will need to drop the axle anyway. Axle brakes on rubber hoses and just mark/scribe everything before pulling apart to aid realignment on refitting.


Surprised you bent the pipe. VR6 pipes are built like ships plumbing! Wished the muffler boxes particularly the middle one was the same.


Price up the difference between the VR6 and the G60/16v alternative. It may just not be worth it as the forward connecting pipe on the new back box may be short and not allow you to take out the damaged part of the pipe. Certainly connecting the pipes on a curve will be trying.



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agree with RW1

but the VR6 doesnt look too different to a 16v box, except its in one piece.


Which option is cheaper? If there isnt much in it, I'd go buy the VR6 VAG version exhaust straight off VW dealer.


If the 16v option is much less, then do it. Cannot see emissions being too different. Length is same, making noise same & overburn same.


OR, would you consider a Stainless Steel system? Having said that, my VAG is good, and the tail pipe is SS, so looks good too. VERY quiet - good/bad, you decide.

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