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Dr Forinor

Weird "chaffing" noise from front left wheel

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Hey guys, I've just started to notice this recently, in 1st, 2nd and 3rd gear, between 2500 and 3000rpm, I hear a noise from the front left wheel what appears to be some chaffing against the wheel. It's not a scraping sound, sounds more like a sound that would come from rubbing 2 pieces of "coarse cloth" together but a louder obviously, I'm not sure if that makes sense, but I'm not sure how else to describe it.


Any ideas anyone?

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Only in those 3 gears ?? If it's related to engine speed rather than to road speed I would have expected it to be in any gear. Does it do it when the car is revved stationary?


Are you sure that it is coming from the wheel/hub? Noises have a habit of coming from somewhere other than where you think. My first guess was maybe a heat shield on the exhaust resonating at certain engine speeds.


Best wishes



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I dont completely remember if I even checked in 4th gear or not, but I havent checked while revving stationary.


I'm pretty certain it's from the wheel, a passenger said it sound like its from the front left wheel too.


I'll check in 4th gear and stationary too.

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the wing inner liner hasnt come lose has it and check the drive shafts they have a balancer weight thing on them, sometimes this can slide and rub



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