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Can I dye a grey parcel shelf into a black shelf ...?

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Sounds stupid ... so thought I'd ask anyway :-)


My C has a black interior but the rear shelf is an MDF stealth shelf.

There's nolonger any ICE in the car, so I want to replace it with an original black shelf.


Now if I sourced a grey shelf and dyed it black, do you think it would look alright...?

Kind of a mad idea but thought it may work.

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yes you can, i did it, some nice fabric dye adn lots of it, it will take time though

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I retrimmed my grey shelf in a black acousic carpet, both top and underside.


If you take your time like I did you can produce results that I personally think look better than original and you retain the shape of the shelf. Only cost about £25 to do!

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Thanks for the replies.

Not such a bad idea then :-)


Then I just need to find a black panel to cover the rear hatch area, where the spoiler motor is housed ... as mine is missing :-(

Or spray a grey one black...

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