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co adjustment

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tried setting my co on g60 yesterday via the adjuster on intake pipe, was set at o.5 but which ever way i turned adjuster co stayed the same am i doing something wrong or do i have a fault, thanks in advance for any help

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are you turning the plastic flatheat screw UNDER the tamper-proof cap... or are you turning the silver cap?

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if it dont adjust i sound like its dead !! you have removed the blue sender aswell have u ? before adjusting it.

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no did not remove any senders, i think when i first turned the adjuster co moved but then went back to where it was

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Take the CO pot out of the boost tube by removing the spring clip on the outside. Recover the rubber o-ring on the inner of the seal. With a multimeter test the resitance by taking the reading across the two outer terminals of the CO pots harness socket. The reading should be around 0.4 - 0.7 ohms. Take note of your 1st reading, adjust the resitance on the sender by twiddling the adjustment screw under the blue cap, then test the two outer terminals again. If the resitance does not change then your CO pot is dead. Replacement ones are in the region of 50 notes. We have seen quite a few in the last few month come to expire.

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