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Work Dilemma, help needed!

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I've been applying to a few jobs since the loss of my last job a few weeks ago. I've applied for a position in a VW dealership local to me and would love the job.


Yesterday I was offered a position in a Toyota import centre fitting the alarms in all the new Toyotas as they come off of the boat, there's potential to make good money from it, but the thing is it's 7-4 shifts and an 80 mile round trip to work!


However today VW have contacted me saying that they'll let me know about interviews by the end of next week, when I told Toyota I'd let them know by the end of today.


So do I take a job that could end up not being what I really want, but could make good money from, or knock it back and hold out for a possibility of the holy grail?

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If the VW site likes you they are not able to offer you the job until you have completed a day long assessment at the National Learning Centre in MK, it is by no means a rubber stamp exercise either. Which VW site is it?

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In my line of work it is common to accept a job then 4 weeks later when you about to start the following week, simply pull out and say no. Obviously it leaves a bad taste in thier mouth and you couldn't expect to get work off them again in the future. Depends how good this VW job is and how badly you need the money......

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Don't know L J Irvine, thats a site that a colleague looks after. You can earn decent money within VW but depends on how the business is run and what the pay plan is like.

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Thats what i was going to say.


Accept it then take other job if it comes yp with VW.


Most places tend to have a trial period as well for both you and the employer.

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Thats what i was going to say.


Accept it then take other job if it comes yp with VW.


Most places tend to have a trial period as well for both you and the employer.


you get 3months trial on both sides. Think its actual employment law.

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Thanks for all the advice guys!


I've looked into the Toyota one a little more and they seem to have a high turnover of staff, looking deeper and it's not the job it's cracked up to be, especially if I gotta drive 80 miles to get to it every day!


So I've turned it down and gotten a couple more lined up (interview on saturday!).


But I'll follow your advice and take whatever I can get, then if I do land the VW one, I'll go for it!

(can you say G R O U P B U Y???) :lol:

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