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Rear heated window

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I seem to have a problem with my rear heated window and since the person that had the car took the rear wiper off which is a nice look, not sure whether to put it back on yet but the rear heated doesn't seem to work.

I switch it on but when it has been raining the rain doesn't seem to dispurse so I am guessing from that that it doesn't work, is there a sure fire way of checking and if it isn't can someone tell me what the usual fault might be please?





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Thought I'd bump this thread rather than start a new one as I have the same problem!


Dewipered bootlid, and the rear window defogger doesn't work! Which makes reversing at this time of year a bit treacherous.


The light comes on in the switch, and I've checked the fuse and it's fine. Any ideas?

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can you see any obvious breaks in the lines across the screen? os is the clip that connects to the left and the right of the screen still connected? (i presume its got them i havent actually looked) or are they corroded? If not then you have jamf wiring :(. try connecting some new wiring from your battery or a 12v source and see if it works then. if it dont then. erm, well we cross that bridge when we come to it i guess, if you can narrow it down to something , either the wiring, the switch or i presume there is a relay???then your onto a winner :p


*Edit* i feel a bit of a dime bar now, if the entire screen isnt heating at all then it cant be the lines across the screen unless there all broken, because if only 1 was broke i would presume that only that single element wouldnt heat not the entire screen :)

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Yeah, thought of that - gf's polo has a couple of broken lines and the others still work. Is there a relay related to the rear screen? Might be worth swapping that out if so...

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