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Bled brakes and reservoir ran out of fluid

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A mate a work has had a problem with his mk4 Gti Golf. He was bleeding the brakes and let the reservoir run dry. He's now tried bleeding the brakes 8 odd times, and the master cylinder, and one of the brakes does not work. The peddle feels ok apparently, just that one wheel never locks up.


Any ideas on what else to try? Thanks.

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sounds like theres still air in the master cylinder to me (from experience with other cars! don't let the low post count fool you!)

try topping the resevoir up with fluid right to the top (not so it spills over though!) and get your mate to press on the pedal lots of times fast and very firmly. If he's doing it slow the air won't be forced out of the cylinder so it cant prime itself. Also worth checking the car is on level ground and not jacked up as otherwise rear compensators can close, not allowing fluid through to them.

Hope that helps


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Cheers Zippy, I'll tell him that :D


Just had another chat and apparently there's no fluid going to one of the rear calipers. He tried loosening the fitting for this pipe at the ABS end and there was no fluid coming out. Looking like a dealer job then.


Cheers all.

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Has he tried taking the bleed nipple out completely? Because they can sometimes get blocked.


It's also possible the brake line has collapsed somewhere so it may need a new hose.

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