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Car failed MOT

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Well quite upbeat actually. All the work I have done over the last 5 or so months passed. Including emmisions.


Car failed on small points most from previous owner.


Most notable was the nearside hand brake no pressure. he said it was prob new cables needed.


Also near side differential valve linkage siezed.


Been reading a few posts on this little item. Seems like it could well be a nightmare to fit a new one if needed. Where is the valve and how do I pos free it up as in the lever. I recentley bled the system and used 5.1 in the system. However knew nowt about this valve. Would not closing it or whatever have affected the brakes in anyway?


loose headlamps. New self tappers required to lock em down so they can dial in the lights on the beam setter.


Also all brake lines unsecured. I have or rather the car has braided lines all round. People on the forum have failed on this point before. Anybody got some answers.


Other than that he was gutted to have to fail her. He was getting on a bit. Said he could see most of the work I had done. Thinks I got distracted by the real big job of rebuilding her and did'nt see the small things. Had to take her to a different workshop as she is to low for their ramps. Drove the 60 to a 2nd shop they have and the lads in there died. He said its a lovely car to drive and the engine is sweet.


So now I have a list of items to work to.

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