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What is it with people who can't f***in' indicate??

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I almost believe cos cars are so disposable these days the majority of drivers don't really give a toss


Spot on. I find the proportion of new and new-ish cars that have some kind of body damage on them - from minor scratches and dents to serious holes and large cunks of trim missing - quite worrying. It's by no means a majority of cars (yet), but the evidence does suggest that very many drivers just don't care.

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its the people that use the indicators as 'i'm coming over whether you like it or not signals'. a guy in a nissan primera did this to me yesterday i new his intentions. we were sat at a junction and he wanted my lane. i thought stuff it ive qued for this spot hes not cuttin in. anyway i kept him at the side of me instead of just dustin him. he then proceeds to indicate and just move over. he got some horn as well as everything else. the guy then proceeds to make every turn that i want to make all the way home. just as i'm indicating to go down my street he then indicates. instead of turning down the street he pulls up just passed it. as i parked up outside the house he rolls back just to check i'm not goin to follow him. think he learnt the lesson the un intensional way.

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1. Your BMW is equipped with four orange flashing lights, one at each corner. What should you use them for?


A: To indicate my intention to turn at an approaching junction

B: Nothing: they are entirely decorative, and have no practical purpose

C: To enable me to park wherever and whenever I choose, regardless of disruption to other users of the footpath.


I chose C

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the indictaor stalk was only fitted to the BMW range so that they can flash there lights at you on the motorway to indicate that you are holding them up.

personally i find it amusing holding them up especially in the work van usually give them a flash back with the break lights.

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My misses goes balistic when people dont indicate drives her mad and me too, as has been said they think your a mind reader. You should get points on your license for that as well as speeding, its just as danerous. Just pure laziness. :x :snipersmile: :2gunfire:


sounds like a good idea ,points on your license ,i mean they are the rules of the road and their not following them,dont think the police would be tht intereste though ,doesn't make em enough cash .

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Just experienced a bit of the opposite.. waiting to pull out of a junction that is always basically a long stream of traffic - finally two vehicles come down the road indicating to pull into the junction I want to come out of, I start to pull out as the 1st vehicle pulls in but the second just carries on past it indicator still flashing!! I give it a bit of power to get myself out of the pickle I now find myself in, and proceed to express myself via hand gestures and switch my indicator on and off to point out the error in their ways but they just continue along behind me in their Fiesta looking vacant, indicator flashing..


Arrghh.. hell is other road users! :)

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Thinking about the other end of the spectrum for a moment... why do people approaching a motorway (or dual-cway) from a slip-lane feel they need to indicate right? It's not like there's anywhere else they can go is it?


As with everythin in life, its either too much or not enough, never 'just right'!

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My misses goes balistic when people dont indicate drives her mad and me too, as has been said they think your a mind reader. You should get points on your license for that as well as speeding, its just as danerous. Just pure laziness. :x :snipersmile: :2gunfire:


sounds like a good idea ,points on your license ,i mean they are the rules of the road and their not following them,dont think the police would be tht intereste though ,doesn't make em enough cash .


If you can't automate it, they won't care. :x

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Just experienced a bit of the opposite.. waiting to pull out of a junction that is always basically a long stream of traffic - finally two vehicles come down the road indicating to pull into the junction I want to come out of, I start to pull out as the 1st vehicle pulls in but the second just carries on past it indicator still flashing!! I give it a bit of power to get myself out of the pickle I now find myself in, and proceed to express myself via hand gestures and switch my indicator on and off to point out the error in their ways but they just continue along behind me in their Fiesta looking vacant, indicator flashing..


Arrghh.. hell is other road users! :)

This is one of my biggest pet hates! Was driving down to Coventry a few weeks ago to visit my big sister, and there was some dizzy mare driving in the middle lane of the M6 with her right indicator on as if she wanted to move into the outside lane.


I (being the courteous road user that I am :wink:), flashed my headlights at her to let her out, but she just continued to sail along, indicator flashing away. I overtook her and flashed my indicators as I passed, thinking she might take the hint, but no.




I feel better now... :lol:

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Thinking about the other end of the spectrum for a moment... why do people approaching a motorway (or dual-cway) from a slip-lane feel they need to indicate right? It's not like there's anywhere else they can go is it?


As with everythin in life, its either too much or not enough, never 'just right'!


its been a while since i did my test but im sure their taught that now ,does seem obvious though

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Thinking about the other end of the spectrum for a moment... why do people approaching a motorway (or dual-cway) from a slip-lane feel they need to indicate right? It's not like there's anywhere else they can go is it?


As with everythin in life, its either too much or not enough, never 'just right'!


its been a while since i did my test but im sure their taught that now ,does seem obvious though


There's still no motorway driving required on the DSA test, so unless your test area has a dual carrigeway with slip lanes, they might be taught it, but they'll never be assesed.


Which goes someway toward explaining the fscking atrocious lane discipline we've come to expect in this country :x

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there was some dizzy mare driving in the middle lane of the M6 with her right indicator on as if she wanted to move into the outside lane.




I feel better now... :lol:


Hopefully a bomb :evil:

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had one infront of me today on the M4 indicating the wrong way. ie left signal and overtake. Must have been a hire car and foriegn driver but still. could have caused a right old pile up.

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