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g60 overheating

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Hey guys

well i'm now having some fairly major overheating problems with my g60.

a 10 minute run (admittedly on a hot day) saw it hitting temperature of 110 degrees. On parking up the fan came on....and then off...and then on again.(sets off the alarm when it does this, very annoying!)


anyway the problem started when my local stealers reccomended using any old coolant to top up with. Big mistake! I did to be fair drain all the old coolant out of the system first and completely replace with blue stuff. This didn't cure the overheating problem.

I've checked the thermostat and it appears to be working normally. I've also checked the top and bottom hose (top hose heats up as the car does, bottom hose stays cold and then gets hot at about 85-90 degrees).

I cant work out why the car seems to get so bloody hot!

after leaving it for about 3 hours it was still at around 80 degrees when i restarted it!

i'm sure something aint right here and any advice would be appreciated

things done

new water pump. thermostat checked.

system drained, cleaned and replaced with G12+.

system filled through top rad hose.

fan checked working ok as far as i can see.

oil/air heat exchanger removed and small pipes blanked off securely.



i can only think the radiator may be filled with crap from the coolant debacle? i've flushed it a few times and it was throwing out cleam water. wasn't exactly gushing out and did require a few "slooshes" back and forth to get it to totally drain but its definitely not totally blocked!


any advice would be very much appreciated. I've spent hours reading through old posts and i cant think of anything else to try!


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Well done mate!

I think that you´ve done all the right things...

The only thing i guess that can be going wrong might be a blocked hose, or even the water radiator somewere... :?

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anyway the problem started when my local stealers reccomended using any old coolant to top up with. Big mistake! I did to be fair drain all the old coolant out of the system first and completely replace with blue stuff. This didn't cure the overheating problem.


I can't believe that, VAG only sell G12+ which is pink and they know it supercedes G11 and G12 and can be mixed with both!!


Change it again for G12+ (30% mix with water), make sure you have a BLUE cap on your expansion tank then change the black temp sender and the rad fan thermoswitch (this is probably what is wrong)


I'd also either run the heat exchanger hoses into each other with a copper U bend or replace with 2 mk1 hoses (£15 from VW)

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