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Back from 1 year ban!!

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Wow it's been over 12mnths since I was last on the forum. Couldn't bare coming on knowing my baby was goin' to be a write off with a year ban and a lovely fine to top it all. Please don't ask because it's too painful to talk about. Alot of therapy to make me right again... :mad: ! But I'm back! 8)


Any ways my baby was a beautiful black '92 G60, Stage 4, Chip, Pulley, Filter, Exhaust, Discs, Pads, Fully adjustables, Grey leather.....etc.

NB. WAS - past tense. :cry:

Due to my crash I can save everything but the shell, chasis has been bent too much that no jig on the planet can save it. So I send a plea to anyone who knows of a dark coloured G60 going cheap i.e. less than £1500. Planning to transfer all my bits across. If so please call 07984494320. I'm in SW London and willing to travel. :?:

PS. Anyone who has felt the same pain and been through something similar it would be great to hear your advise!


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welcome back mate


the vultures will be circling if you cant find another shell, although i`ve seen a few G60`s cheap on ebay recently..... is your engine OK?


PS: how much for the leather :lol:

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mate that s.cks. main thing is your back now, just got to find you a doner 60.

I'll keep my eye out around here for you.

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Wow it's been over 12mnths since I was last on the forum. Couldn't bare coming on knowing my baby was goin' to be a write off with a year ban and a lovely fine to top it all. Please don't ask because it's too painful to talk about. Alot of therapy to make me right again... ! But I'm back!


I relate to that mate on sundown/sunup march the 6th 2001 - I was banned for 21/2 years - only ended up 2, but still not the best thing thats ever happened to me - theres been a few C for sale on here - I'll keep an eye out for you

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Welcome back mate, doesn't have to be a G60 tho, could easily find a cheap 16V for a grand or thereabouts I would have thought ?


Exactly what I thought.

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Quote:Welcome back mate, doesn't have to be a G60 tho, could easily find a cheap 16V for a grand or thereabouts I would have thought ?



Exactly what I thought.


Dude I think theres a few for sale now/on here aint there?

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Hey guys thanks for the the support. I'm gonna check out those sites Ben16v. Oh and the engine is fine. Not laughin about the Leather either. :wink:

By the way I work stupid hours so takes me a while to sort things out.

With the 16V shell - BigTartanJudge - Not too sure. Correct me if I'm wrong corrado heads, but I always thought there were some differences which made putting a G60 lump in a 16v, a no no.

NickVR6 and BlackG60 appreciate all the help you can provide.

By the way know of any decent mechanics where I can go to transfer engine bits as well as exhaust and suspension.

My car needs to be towed around at the moment so preferably near SW London.

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Nope mate, I had a 16V to G60 converted rado the swap was done originally by Pau1 on here before I had it and flusted on here has just done a G60 conversion on his 16V, so there are no issues whatsoever mate. I would speak to them if you require technical advice,


Cheers and HTH

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that sucks... never had mine wrecked but i sold it and hunted it down for 3 years from owner to owner trying to get i back... hope you come across something...

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