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Headunit issues!

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Hi, I just got my vr the other day and it came with a shiz stereo so obviously i want to rip that out and put my decent sony unit in. However i am having issues. When i first connected the sony up to the loom it worked but the speakers were the wrong way round and it did not have any memory so when i turned it off and back on it would go back to default. I looked at the ISO and the leads dont match up with my sony's properly and now i think i have blown a fuse as its not working at all when i connect it!


So can anybosy first of all tell me anything i need to know about fitting a sony and secondly which fuse number is the h/u (its not the one on the back of the h/u)??


Thanks a bunch,



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simple, the Memory wire will be connected to a ignition live, needs to be connected to a perminant live, and the speaker wires are connected the wrong way round.

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Yeah i thought the speaker wires were the wrong way round, crrrazy germans! :lol:


So the memory and live wires need swapping round.


Do you know what fuse is for the h/u? the one on my h/u is ok.

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I think it's the one on the far left. or the far right. either way, it's at the far end!!


Look on the cover for the fusebox, it should be etched on there...

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I would but it looks a bit naff at the min as the hu is hanging half out the bloody hole :lol: its a squeeze getting one in isnt it!!!

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Yeah i want to get mu amp etc fitted soon but i am dreading it :( the C is so different to my old fiesta so finding places for wires etc is gunna be a job! Iv just been doing some searches and found some quite useful information so i will give it a go one evening (god help me :lol:)

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Yeah pretty much mate - or just put them both on a constant feed direct from the battery {fused}

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Amp fitting is relatively easy.

The best way to get the HU in it to pull out the lower panel below the glovebox, and guide the wires from behind the unit.

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