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No Rattles!!!! Finally!! But was the part I removed needed.

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Yesterday, whilst adjusting the height of the coilovers on my car (FK Konigsports) I realised why my car has rattled over ever bump in the road.


There's a plastic 'washer' about 1-2mm thick that sits on top of the lower strut. As it's unsprung, every bump and pot hole causes it to rattle about. It had a split in it, so it was more of an elongated C shape than the proper O of a washer, so I pulled them off each corner, but I'm wondering what they're for? They're in the instrutions for the coilies, so they're supposed to be there. They sit between the bump stop and the metal of the lower bit (and goes round the shiny central bit that goes up and down)


Any ideas on what it's there for? I can only think of it being something for the bump stops to rest on??


Can't see it being a seal, or really serving any useful purpose? Maybe something to do with them bottoming out??


Any ideas???!



(still, I'm loving the quietness of the car now, have fitted the new exhaust with new mounting rubbers and it doesn't knock at all but now I can hear the interior rattles, so I'll move onto those next!)



Edit: Reading a few other posts here, it's mentioned that the bump stops can 'suck' the oil out of the suspension...??! Is this what those little plastic discs are for then?? If so I might put them back, but stick them to the bottom of the bump stops instead of letting them sit on the top of the strut... Ideas??


Click here for the picture

It's a pretty poor pic, but I don't have internet access at home. On the right hand strut, between the rubber bump stop and the metal of the strut is a blue washer. That's what I've taken off... Is it needed???

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