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Saint Tricky

High oil temps or are they?

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Got a 92 G60.

Oil temps are really high, and i don't believe them.

Takes 3 miles of normal driving to get to 80 degs. Another mile and it's 120.

Water is always around 95 deg mark when warmed up.

If I put my key in the ignition after a long run the oil temp is 95degs, if I start the engine then it's 135degs.

My readout fluctuated between 126, 134, 142, 150, 140, 126. In just a few seconds today.

I took the car out of gear (so low revs) while going down a long hill today and the temperature increased. (doesn't make sense)

I then dropped a couple of gears and planted my right foot and the temperature decreased. (eh?)

Finally the fan comes on when the readout displays 120degs.

Anyway, I assume there is some sensor somewhere telling my digital readout what the temps are and I think this is at fault.

Appreciate if someone can read between the lines here and confirm or rubbish my conclusion.

Thanks for your help.


P.S. Not using any oil or coolant either.

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Thanks, I'll have a look.

Sorry for the multiple post mods.

Went a bit silly after getting the error messages and now the posts are coming up at random.

Feel free to terminate any eroneous ones.


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