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Locking Wheel Nut Adaptor

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Seem to have miss placed my locking wheel nut adaptor I have included an image can someone let me know if they have had the same type before and what they did to get them off without an adaptor? Is it possible to get a replacement adaptor?



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McGaurd - try halfords, they are bount to have a set on the shelf with the same key as there are not that many variations - or give them a call...


(deleted duplicate)

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had same problem a while back,i found a tyre company who welded a nut on the end then removed it.just remenber to take spare bolts to replace after.

good luck

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Sorry about the double post, my internet connection was playing up so I had a look and my post wasn;t there so i made it again. That will be why there is a repeat.Sorry.


Thanks for all your help, I tried VW they weren't very helpful. I'll have a look in halfords see how I get on.

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If you werent so far away id come down and lend you mine. Mine is the same fitment locking nut.


Had a look on ETKA, theres the set of bolts plus anti-theft key part no. 1H0 698 137 could quote the number to VAG.


EDIT- Saying the part #21 which looks like the locking key says no longer available

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If they are mcguard which they look like they are, you can order a replacement key from them. takes about a week to come from germany if i remember correctly!! Well it all depends if you have the details that came in the box, as in there it should give you your key number.

here's the web addy you can get one from




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isn't it weird how an alloy wheel theif could kit himself up with all the keys if he wanted to, kinda defects the object

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The thing is you have to keep a key on you at all times when driving the car or leave it in the car in case of a puncture. But yeah, it makes it easier for theives.

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Right went to halfords last night after work. There are loads of different types but they all look similar. As far as i know i don't have the number of the key so it looks like it isn't going to be easy. I don't really like the idea of destroying 4 sockets getting them off.

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So did you go through 4 sockets then, one for each wheel? I imagine once you hammer a socket on the socket get destroyed and that you wouldn't get the bolt out the socket afterwards?

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I have the same problem at the mo.


supposed to be sending my wheels off to be refurbed this week, but can't find the key :(


Mine are a different shape/style to the ones pictured above (i'll get a pic asap) and when I was a tyre centre the guy had a look, and said the only way he could think to remove my type was to get a key fabricated (uber money no doubt), the welding sounds like an option, but i'll get a pic up and see what you guys think

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i had this problem and went down all the routes you guys have and in the end the only way to get them off is as follows.


bash on an old socket drive and then blob a bit of weld down the socket.

the socket also contains any weld splater that may damage the wheels.

dont waste money on those reverse thread stud removal kits as i got one and it was shiit


ps you may get away without the weld if ur nuts ent to tight! mine were rock!

hope this helps.

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Right I have tried bashing on a socket, couldn't get the thing on, i couldn't find a size which would go on (i was bashing at the socket with a lump hammer and it wouldn't go). I tried a reverse screw remover thingy, went down the local tire fitters and used their airtools, only to find out that the socket was a tad too big and wouldn't grip the bolt. I have found a garage who reckons they will remove all 4 for £35, so i think thats my only option. God damn it! wish i hadn't lost that adaptor now!

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Well got them off in the end. Went to a local garage and they got removed there. Cost me £40 but at least the bloody things are off now.


Basically the guy got them off by wacking an old knackered locking wheel nut adaptor onto the wheel with a f**k off hammer. Did the trick nicely, just thought i'd let you know his method for those of you who end up in this situation again.


Anyway thanks for your help anyway.

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Ive had both my unlocking keys broken today by HALFORDS!!!! went to get 2 new tyres and the nut was on that tight it sheered the inside of the keys off. Im gonna now have to wack a socket on the nuts and try to get them off. grrrr!


Can these keys be bought seperately???

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when you buy the locking wheel nut kits you get a bit of paper that give su the Key number so you can get another one from the manafactures. but thats only if u brought the locking nuts in the first place.

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poop! Is each key unique, thus another key not being able to be used on a different set of bolts?


I bought the locking nut removal kit from Halfords, but found both adaptors were too large to grip the nut. Also the trouble with buying another key, i fear it too will just end up breaking as the nut is on that tight. Whacking a socket over the nut and still not being able to get it off may result in the socket being stuck on. Drilling it out will be a right task too.


Any other ideas?

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