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Heater control confusion

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this may have been answered before but i couldn't find it in the search.


my heater controls have issues:

1) the backing lights have died. a garage said i need a whole new unit to fix this - this can't be true can it?

2) the is a screeching sound from the fan when on setting 1 and 2 - do i need a new fan?

3) Speed 3 does not seem to work at all. what could this be?

4) can see small sparks when i change speeds sometimes - normal?


excuse my naivity but am not very swtiched on to mechanics yet but am willing to learn. any help would be greatly apprciated.

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not very swtiched on to mechanics




bulbs going will prob be an electrical problem, whether it be a loose connection, fused bulbs etc.


The whining sound will prob be leaves in your blower. I may be wrong, but if that is the case its a simple case of removing the grill above the blower, located under the bonnet, far top right corner(scuttle?) and getting to the leaves.


As for the speed settings, i have def seen posts on here about this, im sure somone will respond with a link to this.


And sparks are never a good thing.


Good luck

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will check for leaves this weekend. hope so cos a new fan weighs in at |£109.

will look in to changing bulbs etc too.


yeah just found stuff on search for speed setting stuff cheers.


cheers khuarrdo


sparks - like little fireworks in your car haha. hope it doesn't turn into small bonfire in my car though.....

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the screeeching is more likely to be the motor bearings on there way out, eventually they will go so bad it will blow the resistor and you will have either on or off, no 1 or 2 settings, but as for the setting 3 not working sounds more like a switch problem!

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just change the bulb on backing lights ? or is there no power getting to them ?


pull the heater speed control knob off and clean the brass contacts this may cure your no3 speed , sparks arent normal but again could be due to dirty contacts


the screeching from the fan is actually very common , its normally just the fan getting tired and will usually go if you leave it on for a while or you could drop the passenger side parcel shelf and take it out clean it and give it a spray with electrical cleaner or wd40


iirc the fan is the same as a mk2 golf



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you'll find all those answers with a search I would think.


resistor packs from maplins fix the speed problem.


I don't remember hearing about the leaves though, I'll check :-/

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if the resistor was gone the heater would only work on no4 setting but yeah as Therapor, says theres loads of info on heaters if you search

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You don't say if you have an early or late dash, but if they are the slider (early type) then a blown bulb is indeed a VW purchase part as you need the whole front, retailing at about £13.00 it's not the best but you could try a mk2 golf item, as these weigh in at about half the price - dealer pricing again gone mad!!


As for the screeching, remove the passengar shelf under the glove box, grab the bottom of the fan (after unplugging it!!) and TWIST either anti cockwise or clockwise i can't remember, but it will come out easy enough, and then lube the bearings.


Sparks when changing speeds could be a bare wire, so check all insulation including the speed switch.


With regards no speed three, the speed switch usually works via a series of resistors, more resistors, slower revs. Blow one of these and you loose a speed. Maybe yours is knackered and a replacement will solve 2/4 of your niggles??


Good luck!


L100PY_H :multi:

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The problem with the heater mot working on differenet speeds will be the THERMAL FUSE inside the blower motor. Mine only worked on speeds 1 & 3 and then not at all so i changed the thermal fuse and it is as good as new. If you go down to your local maplin electronics store and ask for part no RA19V they are £0.71 each.

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