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exhaust question

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iv just bought a cat back jetex system (2nd hand) and to my suprise it has 2 silencers plus the backbox


my current system is a backbox and absolutely NOTHING else sounds awesome imo


i have a supercharger with 12 psi pulley but it only makes 11 psi (kev made 12.5 psi with this charger) would adding 1 or both silencer recover the lost boost????


i was planning on fitting the big silencer just behind the backbox (suitcase??) but what does the inline silencer do is it good or bad for an fi vr6??

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the system is now fitted and its bigger bore than the old 1 maybe 1/4 inch bigger they fitted the entire system and omfg its silent i cant hear the bloody thing at all booooo

wheres kev when you need him lol

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