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What could it be?

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My Raddo went in a few weeks ago to get checked over. The mechanic said i had a front distorted tyre (front passenger side) I got the tyre replaced. My Raddo went in to a specialist VW mechanic yesterday who got my heater working.....so happy!! Anyway he gave my car a good once over and noticed the front passenger break pad had worn a lot more than the drivers side. He replaced both. I forgot to tell him that a few weeks ago i had the tyre changed due to it being distorted. What could it be.....distorted front passenger tyre, brake pad on that wheel worn down lots....also the car feels strange when going round a r.bout, fine when going into a left bend though....any ideas on this? Oh and at high speeds the cars steering judders!

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binding caliper perhaps?.............if it is you'll feel one wheel hotter than the other to touch


Thank you for that advice mate, i will try it later! When putting the new pads in though, would'nt the specialist VW mechanic have found the caliper to be binding? I know nothing about braking systems by the way!!

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Thank you for that advice mate, i will try it later! When putting the new pads in though, would'nt the specialist VW mechanic have found the caliper to be binding? I know nothing about braking systems by the way!!

not really, he will have just pushed the piston back and fitted the new pads, so it could be a sticking piston, it could be the pins the caliper slide on need cleaning


does the steering judder when you brake or just normally driving and at what speed

did you get the wheels balanced when the new tyre was fitted ?


he should have checked the run out when he fitted the pads really to check the disc wasnt warped , this would cause a judder and uneven pad wear

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GIXXERUK, The steering wheels shake at 90mph onwards, this is of course on a private road! The distorted wheel was put on the back of my car by mechanic so i had both rear tyres changed as one was scrubbed on the inside (not distorted tyre) so had 2 new rear Yoko's put on that were balanced. The fronts have not been balanced or tracking done.

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if it was me i would swop the back tyres (which you know are balanced) to the front before you get too involved with other stuff and see what results you get


balancing usually rears its head at about 60-70 mph really , the rear is a lot more tolerant to imbalance


this will cost nothing at its the easiest to see what it does :-)



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