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few questions- brakes/ clutch related

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ive picked up an 89 1.8 16v which has very baddddd brakes- the pedal goes nearly all the way down before the brakes work.. would this be just because it needs bleeding or could it be a master cylinder problem?


also the clutch pedal sometimes gets stuck to the floor, which i thought was a cable but i cant seem to find any cable linked to the gearbox- is it a slave setup on these cars>??

and is there anyway of fixing very bad free-play in the gear stick- as its a cable change setup..


any help would be appreciated!!

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clutch is hydraulic and works off the same fluid as the brakes i`d check your slave cylinder first, assuming your checked the fluid level?

slop in gearstick could be a missing circlip, lift the gearstick surround, it just pulls off, and wiggle the stick left to right you should see the place on the lhs where the circlip should be/is

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yes the fluid level was fine- how can i check id the slave has had it?and im assumming i need to fill up with dot3 fluid wen getting the system bleed?


ill have a look at the gearstick tommorow. is the circlip something i can get from gsf or ecp>?

many thanks for the reply ben!

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